leetcode: String to Integer (atoi)

class Solution

     * @param String $s
     * @return Integer
    public function myAtoi($s)
        $s = ltrim($s);
        if (empty($s)) {
            return 0;

        $ascii = ord($s[0]);
        $sign  = $ascii === 45;
        if ($ascii === 45 || $ascii === 43) {
            $sum = 0;
        } elseif ($ascii >= 48 && $ascii <= 57) {
            $sum = intval($s[0]);
        } else {
            return 0;

        for ($i = 1, $len = strlen($s); $i < $len; ++$i) {
            $ascii = ord($s[$i]);
            if ($ascii < 48 || $ascii > 57) {

            $sum = $sum * 10 + intval($s[$i]);

        if ($sign) {
            $sum *= -1;

        $boundry = pow(2, 31);
        if ($sum <= -$boundry) {
            return -$boundry;
        } elseif ($sum >= --$boundry) {
            return $boundry;

        return $sum;

leetcode: Palindrome Number

class Solution {

     * @param Integer $x
     * @return Boolean
    function isPalindrome($x) {
        if($x >= 0 && $x < 10){
            return true;

        if ($x < 0 || $x % 10 === 0) {
            return false;

        return $this->reverse($x) === $x;

    function reverse($x){
        $sum = 0;
        while($x >= 10){
            $last = $x % 10;
            $x = intval($x / 10);
            $sum = $sum * 10 + $last;

        return $sum * 10 + $x;

leetcode: Reverse Integer

class Solution

     * @param Integer $x
     * @return Integer
    public function reverse($x)
        if ($x < 10 && $x > -10) {
            return $x;

        $reverse = 0;
        $unsign  = $x >= 0;
        $x       = abs($x);
        do {
            $last    = $x % 10;
            $reverse = $reverse * 10 + $last;
            $x       = intval($x / 10);
        } while ($x >= 10);
        $reverse = $reverse * 10 + $x;
        if (!$unsign) {
            $reverse = -$reverse;

            return $reverse < -(pow(2, 31)) ? 0 : $reverse;

        return $reverse > (pow(2, 31) - 1) ? 0 : $reverse;

leetcode: ZigZag Conversion

 * @lc app=leetcode id=6 lang=php
 * [6] ZigZag Conversion

// @lc code=start
class Solution {

     * @param String $s
     * @param Integer $numRows
     * @return String
    function convert($s, $numRows) {
        $len = strlen($s);
        if ($len === 1 || $numRows === 1) {
            return $s;

        $max = 2 * $numRows - 2;
        $str = '';
        // 0 4 8 12
        // 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
        // 2 6 10

        // 0   6    12
        // 1 5 7 11 13
        // 2 4 8 10
        // 3   9    [15]

        // P   H
        // A S I
        // Y I R
        // P L I G
        // A   N
        // 0   8
        // 1 7 9
        // 2 6 10
        // 3 5 11 13
        // 4   12
        //A   E   I   M   Q   U   Y
        //B D F H J L N P R T V X Z
        //C   G   K   O   S   W
        //0   4   8    12    16 --- 4
        //1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 --- 2
        //2   6   10   14    18 --- 4
        //A   G   M
        //B F H L N R
        //C E I K O Q
        //D   J   P
        //0   6    12    18    6
        //1 5 7 11 13 17 19    4
        //2 4 8 10 14 16 20    2
        //3   9    15    21

        //A   I   Q
        //B H J P R
        //C G K O S
        //D F L N T
        //E   M   U
        //0   8     16    24    8
        //1 7 9  15 17 23 25    6 2 6 2
        //2 6 10 14 18 22       4 4 4 4
        //3 5 11 13 19 21       2 6 2 6
        //4   12    20          8

        //A   K   U
        //B J L T V
        //C I M S W
        //D H N R
        //E G O Q
        //F   P
        //0   10    20   10
        //1 9 11 19 21   8 2 8 2
        //2 8 12 18 22   6 4 6 4
        //3 7 13 17 23   4 6 4 6
        //4 6 14 16 24   2 8 2 8
        //5   15    25   10
        $arr[] = [0, $max];
        $j = 2;
        while($max - $j > 0) {
            $arr[] = [$max - $j, $j];
            $j += 2;
        $arr[] = [0, $max];

        for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) {
            $str .= $s[$i];
            $idx = $i;
            while(true) {
                foreach($arr[$i] as $val) {
                    $idx += $val;
                    if($idx >= $len) {
                        break 2;
                    if (!$val) {

                    $str .= $s[$idx];

        return $str;
// @lc code=end

leetcode: longest substring without repeating characters

  • 问题

Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.

You can return the answer in any order.

  • leetcode类别


  • 代码
class Solution {

     * @param String $s
     * @return Integer
    function lengthOfLongestSubstring($s) {
        $len1 = strlen($s);
        if (!$len1) {
            return $len1;

        $max = 1;
        $p = [];
        for($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $len1; $i++) {
            $code = ord($s[$i]);
            if (!array_key_exists($code, $p)) {
                $p[$code] = $i;
            $strlen = $i - $j;
            $max = $strlen > $max ? $strlen : $max;
            $i = $p[$code];
            $j = $i + 1;
            $p = [];
        $cnt = count($p);
        $max = $cnt > $max ? $cnt : $max;
        return $max;


  • 问题

Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.

You can return the answer in any order.

  • leetcode类别


  • 代码
 * Definition for a singly-linked list.
 * class ListNode {
 *     public $val = 0;
 *     public $next = null;
 *     function __construct($val = 0, $next = null) {
 *         $this->val = $val;
 *         $this->next = $next;
 *     }
 * }
class Solution {

     * @param ListNode $l1
     * @param ListNode $l2
     * @return ListNode
    function addTwoNumbers($l1, $l2) {
        return $this->reverseList($this->getNode($l1, $l2));

    function reverseList($list) {
        $prev = null;
        while($list !== null) {
            $node = new ListNode($list->val, null);
            $node->next = $prev;

            $prev = $node;
            $list = $list->next;

        return $node;

    function getNode($l1, $l2) {
        $prev = null;
        $plus = 0;
        while(true) {
            if ($l1 === null && $l2 === null && !$plus) {

            $val = 0;
            if ($l1 !== null) {
                $val += $l1->val;

            if ($l2 !== null) {
                $val += $l2->val;

            $val += $plus;

            $plus = 0;
            if ($val > 9) {
                $val = $val % 10;
                $plus = 1;
            $node = new ListNode($val, null);
            $node->next = $prev;

            $prev = $node;
            if ($l1 !== null) {
                $l1 = $l1->next;

            if ($l2 !== null) {
                $l2 = $l2->next;

        return $node;


  • 问题

Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.

You can return the answer in any order.

  • leetcode类别


  • 代码
class Solution {

     * @param Integer[] $nums
     * @param Integer $target
     * @return Integer[]
    function twoSum($nums, $target) {
        $len = count($nums);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $len - 1; ++$i) {
            $sub = $target - $nums[$i];
            for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $len; ++$j) {
                if ($nums[$j] === $sub) {
                    return [$i, $j];

        return [];

max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]


max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]


  • 解决办法


修改完之后再终端执行sysctl --system或者sysctl -p使修改生效。检查是否生效可以使用sysctl vm.max_map_count查看。



  • 插件安装
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize

如果出现超时错误,需要终端设置代理。安装好之后,如果虚拟机已经在运行,先使用vagrant halt关闭,在Vagrantfile中添加配置:

config.disksize.size = '50GB'

保存后再使用vagrant up启动。启动时,看到一段话:

==> machine5: Resized disk: old 10240 MB, req 51200 MB, new 51200 MB
==> machine5: You may need to resize the filesystem from within the guest.
  • 配置


  1. 运行sudo cfdisk /dev/sda,这时候能够看到新增的空间了。如我的原本是10GB,配置里改为了50GB,这里就看到两行,第一行是/dev/sda110GB,第二行是新增的40GB
  2. 使用上下箭头选中第一行,再使用左右箭头选中Resize,后面的提示New size: 50G按回车确认。
  3. 再使用左右箭头选择Write,显示提示Are you sure you want to write the partition table to disk?时输入yes按回车确认。
  4. 选择Quit回车。
  5. 运行sudo resize2fs -p -F /dev/sdaX,X替换为自己对应的数字。如果是centos 7,8这里会提示:resize2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda1. Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.换成运行xfs_grows /dev/sda1









jdbc {
    jdbc_driver_library => "mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar"
    jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://数据库地址:3306/数据库名字"
    jdbc_user => "数据库账号"
    jdbc_password => "数据库密码"
    schedule => "* * * * *这里和Linux的crontab配置一样"
    statement => "查询出要同步到elasticsearch的数据"
    use_column_value => true
    tracking_column => "update_time"
    tracking_column_type => "timestamp"
  • use_column_value

值为布尔值,这里影响sql_last_value的值,默认为falsesql_last_value使用上次执行时间,初始值为1970-01-01零点。设置为true,那么这里是tracking_column配置字段的值,如tracking_column => "id",那么这里就是上次执行的id值。

  • tracking_column


  • tracking_column_type




elasticsearch {
   hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
   index => ""
   document_id => "%{elasticsearch使用哪个字段作主键ID}"
   #user => "elastic"
   #password => "changeme"

hosts需要改为自己的elasticsearch地址。虽然,参数document_type参数还存在,但是默认是会将数据同步到_doc下面。从elastcisearch的6.0开始便不再推荐使用type,7.0以上的版本已经废弃,而8.0版本会直接移除。详细说明:removal of mapping types


  • 启动


./logstash -f /配置文件路径/xxx.conf



  • jdbc中last_run_metadata_path设置的路径需有读写权限。如果没有写入权限,变量sql_last_value虽然会记录上一次的值,但在重新启动后,值会从0开始。

  • 启动时提示:

WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server’s identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn’t set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to ‘false’. You need eit
her to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification.


  • MySQL中tinyint(1)字段值jdbc读取后会被转换为布尔值。同样在jdbc_connection_string后面加上参数:tinyInt1isBit=false&transformedBitIsBoolean=false可以保持原值不被转换。